Monday, 15 July 2013

He Will Rescue You

'…he will certainly rescue you from the snare of the hunter and from the destructive plague.' (Psalm 91:3)    
Have you ever been caught off guard or surprised? Maybe it was a sudden accident? Notice of losing your job? Unfortunately many of life’s painful events come to us suddenly and without warning. Whether it is a threat to our personal or family’s well being; a loss of job; or a natural disaster that destroys are home and community—shock is the element. As occupants on this earth we are vulnerable to the unknown and sudden tragedies that await us like a trap for a rabbit.

If the unknown does not frighten you, what about the microscopic? As health care providers we are all too aware of the destruction of diseases and illness. A virus or bacteria can wreck havoc to an unsuspecting victim. Whether in the water we drink, the food we eat, or the air we breathe we are vulnerable to the unsuspecting destruction of the smallest organisms on the planet. In the 21st Century, an epidemic is still one of our greatest threats to human health.
These two scenarios found in Psalm 91:3 are enough to cause fear and panic.  And, once again we are reminded where our security rests. In our Rescuer--Jesus Christ!  We are protected in his hand. Not immune to disasters, but secure in his ever present providence (Hebrews 13:5; 2 Corinthians 2:10). Even though we are vulnerable to the tragedies of this world, we have a secured eternal place with him.


p.s. I mentioned last time about connecting truth contained in our minds to our heart. A great way to have truth easily accessible to our heart is to memorize scripture. As we walk verse-by-verse through Psalm 91, I encourage you to memorize it with me.